Önskar jag hade en cykel så jag kunde vara med
fredag 9 september 2011
NY kunde inte vänta
Så tiden går och allt bara händer
Vår dotter växer och börjar gå och prata. Allt är himla spännande och kul önskar att jag kunde vara med varje dag och se henne växa. Just nu befinner jag mig i NY och 10årsdagen av 9/11 närmar sig. Vikommer vara här den dagen, det känns lite osäkert eftersom man höjt beredskapen idag.
Vår dotter växer och börjar gå och prata. Allt är himla spännande och kul önskar att jag kunde vara med varje dag och se henne växa. Just nu befinner jag mig i NY och 10årsdagen av 9/11 närmar sig. Vikommer vara här den dagen, det känns lite osäkert eftersom man höjt beredskapen idag.
fredag 10 juni 2011
We collect FOUND stuff: love letters, birthday cards, kids' homework, to-do lists, ticket stubs, poetry on napkins, telephone bills, doodles - anything that gives a glimpse into someone
else's life. Anything goes...
torsdag 17 mars 2011
Tankar från trädgårdsmästaren: AoT ♥ Bloggare = Sant

Tankar från trädgårdsmästaren: AoT ♥ Bloggare = Sant: "Är det någon som vill vinna fribiljetter till Nordiska Trädgårdar?? Och kanske träffas IRL en stund?? Läs då vidare:-) Annika Christensen ..."
lördag 12 mars 2011
Springtime is here
Today is sunny and spring is here. I have been out in the greenhouse an started the springcleaning I will do the windows tomorrow and have my first cup of coffee there.
Also I´ve planted al the chili seeds:
Habanero White also known as Peruvian White Habanero is a rare variety that originates from Peru. Small white fruits with a heat of 300.000 scoville
Habanero Red is a little bigger then the white one and its abouut 285.000 scoville
Big Jim Chili Pepper is one of the biggest and it have alot of flavors and only 20.000 scoville
Mexican Serrano Pepper means "from the mountains" 10.000-20.000 scoville
Guajillo Chili meaning "little gourd" and are used in mexican foods primarly in salsas and sauces 3.000 scoville
Serrano Tampiqueno is lager and longer then other serrano and have a unique flavour 50.000 scoville
Aji Orchid or Jamaican Bell it has many names and its pods are shaped as bells. Its sweet and mild
Big Ancho The peppers are known as "Ancho" when dried and "Poblano" when fresh. This is what you want to use when you are making your mole.
Also I put some Tomatillo seeds in the ground.
torsdag 10 mars 2011
Home Alone
So Im home alone. My wife and J is in Thailand getting some sun so I got alot of free time doing stuff like:
New Blog
Planting seeds lots of Chili
Planing garden and J´s big nameday
tisdag 22 februari 2011
söndag 20 februari 2011
fredag 4 februari 2011
This Swedish company make this amazing bags in canvas and leather. They do alot of collaboration with other companys they like as Judit Her, Grandpa and a Swedish bikecompany SSON
torsdag 3 februari 2011
onsdag 2 februari 2011
Stanley & Sons
I just found this company and I must have one this spring. Perfect for my garden, no more dirty knees.
måndag 31 januari 2011
lördag 29 januari 2011
Knicker kittens
Second shoot with the Knicker kittens and it was great. Tis girls look amazing and so does the pics they will be done by monday so Ill will post some soon
tisdag 25 januari 2011
Norse Projects is young company with progressive ideals. Based in Copenhagen. They make this amazing clothes.


lördag 22 januari 2011
This night she woke me up at 02.00 instead of the usually 05.00 and I was so gone i didn't notice it until 04.
torsdag 20 januari 2011
tisdag 18 januari 2011
måndag 17 januari 2011
söndag 16 januari 2011
Just another day in London
Ok, I left my wife and kid in Vidja now Im in london and work this weekend. Its been ups and down and this is soon over. We had some good times and we are soon done. But I hade time to shop fore my baby. I love Cath Kidston and I took 5 min from the shoot and spent some bucks on there Sale. Pics to come. We heading out for food and some beers.
lördag 15 januari 2011
Last year was pack'd with new stuff happening. We got a kid - Judith shes almost 10 weeks now. What more, I been working my ass of with Jimmy Backius traveling the world. Also some asainments with Philip Karlberg and Marcin. Also the garden is growing and we only have 26 chicken left. We think it would be to much with the 65 we hade in the beginning of summer.
Now we are looking forward to see Judith grow and her first steps its amazing how fast they grow. A has start dancing again with Knicker Kittens and we a going to Las Vegas in june hopfully to win grand slam. But new for this year is that me and little J is coming along.
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